Well done to everyone who took part in a #2MinuteBeachClean, #2MinuteRiverClean or #2MinuteStreetClean over the last few weeks. You have made a huge difference to the wildlife in that area and you have made the area more attractive for us all. Lilliya and Erin in 3rd Class completed a massive 45 minute clean up of Rathmichael Woods on Tuesday 9 March!
How do you do it?
It’s simple: pick it, snap it, recycle it, reuse it, or bin it. It may be rubbish on the street, at the beach or near a river.
When enjoying your next trip to the beach or the river, take a look around to see if there’s anything on the shore or the riverbank that shouldn’t be there. You can make a big difference by collecting dangerous rubbish, keeping it away from the oceans and it’s creatures. Removing rubbish from beaches, shorelines and riverbanks has a huge benefit on ocean life. So if you have time, why not give us (and them) a helping hand in keeping their homes tidy and safe from plastic and rubbish. You can also help by being mindful of what you’re taking to the beach or the river. Are you using single-use plastic products? Make sure they’re recycled and not left on the beach or riverbank to drift into our waters.