Third Class Activities

 September has been a great month in 3rd class so far. We have engaged in some fun activities while getting stuck into our 3rd class work!

Our class went on a walk with 4th and 6th class to the Bog Meadow. We enjoyed getting out and chatting as we walked. We looked out for things we noticed on our way to school so we could create our badges and posters for National Walk to School Week!


             3rd class are a class of artists! We created self-portraits of ourselves! The children did a fantastic job of their portraits as you can see, they focused on taking their time, sketching their faces and created their names in bubble writing!

We have been learning about photosynthesis in 3rd class. We are looking at the factors that help our plants to grow. We carried out an experiment to try to establish whether plants need air, water and light to grow! We enjoyed taking part in the experiment and over the next few weeks we will observe and take note of the differences between our plants with each plant missing 1 condition- water, light or air!