Knitted Easter Chicks
Can you find what’s hidden inside the chicks?
Easter Bunnies!
Do you recognise our Easter Bunnies?!
Congratulations to our Superstar Students!
Our Gymnastics Champ Evie won gold for her floor routine, silver in the Bars competition and an all-round silver medal. Well done Evie! Our Swimming Champ Congratulations to Fiadh who recently who won a bronze medal in the 50m Butterfly at the National Finals in the Aquatic Centre. Well done Fiadh! Our Talented Artist Congratulations … Read more
Our Woodies Gardening Project
Recently we started a Gardening project organised by Woodies. We planned a small garden 1.5m x 1.5m, measured it out and decided what we wanted to plant. We could choose to plant flowers, vegetables and/or herbs. We decided to use some spare tyres as our planting containers. Just before our Easter holidays and with the … Read more
Celebrating Traditional Irish Music
Many thanks to Martha and Robbie for playing a selection of wonderful Irish tunes for us today!
More Reading Buddy Photos with Sixth Class!
with Sixth