Designing Helicopters

For the past few weeks sixth class have been investigating Gravity and Air Resistance and how it effects the way objects fall to earth. This week the children worked in small groups to design a helicopter  which would be the slowest to fall to the ground!

A Very Special Visitor

  Recently, our school had a very special 4 legged visitor! His name is Quandro and he is a Service Dog. He and his owner have been together for over 11 years and are the best of friends! Together, they visited all the classrooms and we all got to pet Quandro, who behaved like a … Read more

Our Trip To Newgrange

On Monday the 27th of November, sixth class visited the ancient mound of Newgrange in Co.Meath. Prior to the visit, the class did a small project on the Neolithic site. 

Static Electricity

As part of our work on our project for the RDS Science Fair, we conducted 5 experiments to test Static Electricity as follows: Rolling a drinks can without touching it Controlling a plastic bag in the air Bending Water Separating balloons without touching them Moving styrofoam plates We also discovered the effects of static electricity … Read more

Science Week Lego Activity

During Science Week, Ms. Bell introduced us to Lego Creations. Using lego pieces and a specially designed app, we were able to construct a remote rover and program it to move in different ways and make different sounds.  The school is purchasing Lego Creations so that we can have lots more fun creating other robots! … Read more