1st Class
Golden Boot Award
Well done to the children in 1st Class who win the Golden Boot again this term! 85% of them choose green modes of travel on their journey to school every Wednesday. Maith sibh!
Golden Boot Winners
Well done to our First Class children who win the Golden Boot this term!
UN End Poverty Day
Last Thursday (October 17th) was U.N. End Poverty Day. Schools around Ireland were urged to join in the action #FootstepsToEndPoverty. Have a look at what our First Class children created.
Neil de Búrca, Storyteller
We were delighted to welcome the wonderful Storyteller, Neil de Búrca to our school today. He entertained us with stories from Ireland, Europe and even from the island of Hawaii. We learnt new Irish words, jumped with fright and helped with the sound effects throughout the performance!
Golden Boot Award
Congratulations to the children in First Class who win the Golden Boot this term. 79% of these children participated in our Walk on Wednesday programme from Christmas to Easter. The overall participation rate for the school this term is 69% – 5% of children in the whole school walked to school; 51% parked and strode; … Read more
1st Class Christmas Play 2018
Congratulations to all the pupils of 1st class and their teacher Ms. Finlay for an animated performance of ‘Santa’s on Strike’, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all!