Designing Pulleys

Sixth Class are currently looking at and exploring the uses of ‘Pulleys’ in everyday life. As a first experiment, they had to design a ‘Simple Pulley’ using objects/materials in the room. They quickly discovered that using gravity, by pulling down, helped pull the object upwards!

Making Books with our NEW iPads!!

On Friday sixth class worked in groups of three to produce entertaining digital books using our new iPads. They used the app ‘Book Creator’ to add text, images, drawings and sound. Great fun was had by all. We look forward to using the iPads over the next few weeks!

Our Own Creations

Over the past few weeks, many of the children in sixth class have been designing their very own ‘Games’ following our work on Procedural Writing in English. It is wonderful to see how creative and innovative these children are, when they presented their projects last week. After their presentations, the class got a chance to … Read more

Designing Helicopters

For the past few weeks sixth class have been investigating Gravity and Air Resistance and how it effects the way objects fall to earth. This week the children worked in small groups to design a helicopter  which would be the slowest to fall to the ground!

Our Trip To Newgrange

On Monday the 27th of November, sixth class visited the ancient mound of Newgrange in Co.Meath. Prior to the visit, the class did a small project on the Neolithic site. 

Static Electricity

As part of our work on our project for the RDS Science Fair, we conducted 5 experiments to test Static Electricity as follows: Rolling a drinks can without touching it Controlling a plastic bag in the air Bending Water Separating balloons without touching them Moving styrofoam plates We also discovered the effects of static electricity … Read more

RDS Primary Science Fair 2018

We are delighted to inform you all that sixth class has been successful in obtaining a stand in the RDS Primary Science Fair once again this year! The title of this year’s project is ‘Why Do Some People’s Hair Have More Static Electricity?’ We are already exploring atoms and how they are formed! We will … Read more