We used the information from our Geography lesson to create advertisements about Paris.
We used the information from our Geography lesson to create advertisements about Paris.
We took our work on lines and angles outside today, using chalk, ourselves, meter sticks and a protractor to check our estimations.
We enjoyed a walk through the woodland at the Bog Meadow and back to the school.
We learnt about Positive Self Talk in SPHE and what a better place to feel positive than in this glorious sunshine.
We researched, studied and presented wonderful group projects on our chosen Rainforest Animals.
We made the most of the sunshine, enjoying our Drama games outside.
We started the year getting to know each other via LEGO. The children built something that represented them and shared it with me.
6th Class teamed with Technological University Dublin and Laura Lynn to design Halloween Costumes for wheelchairs. What a talented bunch we are in 6th Class.
6th Class took on the task of creating pieces of art using natural materials, just like in the Stone Age.
6th Class enjoyed Tennis coaching with David for the first half term. Wimbledon watch out!