6th Class
Sixth Class Graduation and Assembly
On Monday evening, June 24th, we held the Sixth Class Graduation in our School Hall. Our amazing students recited poems, sang songs and celebrated this milestone with their parents and staff. Our wonderful Parents Association provided delicious pizzas, cakes, sandwiches and refreshments for all. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it such a special … Read more
Sports Day June 11th
Our School was delighted and honoured to welcome Michael Carruth, Olympic Gold medal winner for Boxing in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics to our Sports Day. He spoke to us about following our dreams and never giving up no matter what others may say. He showed us his gold medal and a replica of the Olympic … Read more
Farewell to Mr. Clarke
Last week we said farewell to Mr. Clarke, who has retired from teaching Chess in our school. Mr. Clarke has been coming to our school for the past 48 years, as a teacher and then as our Chess teacher. We were so lucky to have been taught by such a great Chess teacher and we … Read more
The Official Opening of Our Outdoor Classroom
We welcomed Councillor Melanie Corrigan to our school to officially open our new Outdoor Classroom. Many thanks to our amazing Parents Association who fundraised to build and landscape our new classroom. Second Class prepared the Assembly and we all sang together and celebrated this very special occasion.
Our Evenings of Action
Our sincere thanks to all the volunteers, both adults and children, who worked tirelessly and enthusiastically during Evenings of Action to make our school grounds attractive, educational and child friendly. A special word of thanks to Mr. James Maguire (The Lawn Turf Farm) for his generous donation of roll out grass and compost to the … Read more