Our Grandparent Projects

We have been busy creating pieces of Art for our grandparents. We wrote all about how special our grandparents are and how much they mean to us.

Fruit Bowl Paintings

We created fruit bowls using stencils. It was very tricky trying to get the fruit to sit perfectly in the bowl but we had a lot of fun doing it. We’re very happy with how they turned out!

Golden Boot Award: Summer term

Well done to the children in 4th Class who win the Golden Boot this term. 83% of these children participated in our Walk on Wednesday programme from Easter to June. In second place was Senior Infants where 73% of children took part and in third place was 1st Class where 70% of children participated. The … Read more

4th Class Christmas Play 2018

Congratulations to Ms. Hempenstall and 4th class for their performance of ‘The Little Match Girl’. I think everyone will agree it was a very moving performance. Here are some memories from the night.