Neil de Búrca, Storyteller
We were delighted to welcome the wonderful Storyteller, Neil de Búrca to our school today. He entertained us with stories from Ireland, Europe and even from the island of Hawaii. We learnt new Irish words, jumped with fright and helped with the sound effects throughout the performance!
Our Sport’s Day
What a Sport’s Day we had, thanks to the lovely weather and our wonderful parents, who came to cheer us on. We had relay races outside, used the scooter boards for the first time in the hall and had great fun playing with the parachute. We also throw javelins and to top off the day, … Read more
Our Class Survey
Today we learnt about Data and how we can gather information using a Pictogram. We looked in our lunch boxes and chose the most popular fruit inside. Then we put this information on our Pictogram. We could see very easily, that strawberries were the most popular fruit in our lunch boxes and blackberries were the … Read more
Fund Raiser for baby Juniper
Thanks to the generosity of all our parents on Grandparent’s Day, we were able to hand over a cheque for €670 to baby Juniper’s Grandad, Mr. Pat Carey. He was very grateful for our donation to his Gran-daughter’s medical fund and thanked us for our kindness. A child was chosen from each class to represent … Read more
January Newsletter