Maths Week 2016
During Maths Week this year, Sixth Class helped First Class measure the length of their fabulous french knitting in the yard! After the midterm break, First Class has promised to teach Sixth how to french knit!!
During Maths Week this year, Sixth Class helped First Class measure the length of their fabulous french knitting in the yard! After the midterm break, First Class has promised to teach Sixth how to french knit!!
Sixth Class playing cooperative games with Second Class TUG OF WAR DEMONSTRATION with CATHY
On Wednesday the 6th of April, sixth class walked up to Powerscourt National School to take part in a friendly Basketball Blitz with the senior class of Powerscourt National School. The teams were mixed and we managed to play almost all the games before a heavy shower of hailstones arrived! We all had a terrific time … Read more
On Proclamation Day, Sixth Class performed a 1916 play called ‘A Triumph of All Sorts’ for the school in the hall. We were delighted to have two very special stars performing with us from Junior Infants!! Many thanks to Ms. Hughes for accompanying us on her tin whistle, Ms. Seoighe for helping us out with … Read more
On Thursday the sixth class children preformed a Flash Mob in the yard during big break as part of the Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations.
Recently, sixth class took part in our second debate against Kilternan National School. The motion was ‘Climate Change is not my Problem’ and we were apposing the motion. Our team showed no sign of nerves and performed with great confidence.
On Saturday, the 9th of January, sixth class took part in the 2016 Primary Science Fair in the RDS. Their project posed the question ‘Does Background Music Improve Childrens’ Concentration Levels?’ They discovered, using two different tests, that background music does improve concentration. Following analysis of the results, they also discovered that children did not perform well during the timed … Read more